Real Estate Asset Map
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AttrIDDisplayNameAttrDescDataTypeFieldTypeMore Attributes
52Traffic Plantraffic control planBooleanCheckboxTraffic Plan
15Use CategoryIdentify how the lessee is using the propertyKeyDropDown - Single SelectUse Category
3BiosolidsIndicates if this agricultural parcel receives LTP biosolids (Farm facility only)BooleanCheckboxBiosolids
54City UseCategory/description of how that department primarily uses this locationKeyDropDown - Single SelectCity Use
34DescriptionDescription of documentTextFreeFormDescription
32Document DateDate of DocumentDateTimeCalendarDocument Date
16First Party Name(s) of the first party (e.g. Grantor, Lessor, Governing Body, etc.)TextFreeFormFirst Party
20Property OwnerClassify who owns the underlying propertyKeyDropDown - Single SelectProperty Owner
12Expiration DateDate file expiresDateTimeCalendarExpiration Date
22Managing DepartmentManaging DepartmentKeyDropDown - Single SelectManaging Department
17Second Party Names(s) of the second party (e.g. Grantee/Lessee/Licensee)TextFreeFormSecond Party
49EXTN OPTIONSExtension option availableBooleanCheckboxEXTN OPTIONS
47SubtenantSubtenant to a leaseTextFreeForm - Multiple ValuesSubtenant
23JurisdictionJurisdictionKeyDropDown - Single SelectJurisdiction
10Expireswhere this file will expireBooleanCheckboxExpires
29City Contactname of city contactTextLookup - City User Search - Multiple ValuesCity Contact
33Lessee AddressLessee's mailing addressTextFreeFormLessee Address
44CC AddressCarbon Copy address for lease noticesTextFreeForm - Multiple ValuesCC Address
13Lease RateAmount paid by lesseeMoneyFreeFormLease Rate
14Lease Rate Unit of MeasureUnit of measure for the rateKeyDropDown - Single SelectLease Rate Unit of Measure
40Annexed into CityWas the property annexedBooleanCheckboxAnnexed into City
24Farm GridsCity biosolids Farm Grids related to or included in this document.TextFreeFormFarm Grids
39Farm Grids Receiving BiosolidsFarm Grids Receiving Biosolids included in this documentTextFreeFormFarm Grids Receiving Biosolids
41Possessor Use Tax NumberYear(s) the Possessor Use Tax was reportedTextFreeForm - Multiple ValuesPossessor Use Tax Number
94Mailing AddressMailing AddressTextFreeFormMailing Address
45City is TenantCheck when the City of Santa Rosa is the TenantBooleanCheckboxCity is Tenant
91City is LandlordCheck when the City of Santa Rosa is the LandlordBooleanCheckboxCity is Landlord
89Accounts Receivable KeyDropDown - Single SelectAccounts Receivable
90Accounts Payable KeyDropDown - Single SelectAccounts Payable
21OneSol Contract IDContract ID in OneSolutionTextFreeFormOneSol Contract ID
36BPU Resolution NumberNumber(s) of associated Board of Public Utilities ResolutionsTextFreeForm - Multiple ValuesBPU Resolution Number
84CC Ordinance NumberCity Council Ordinance NumberTextFreeFormCC Ordinance Number
37CC Resolution NumberNumber(s) of associated City Council ResolutionsTextFreeForm - Multiple ValuesCC Resolution Number
43Deed Number TextFreeFormDeed Number
1Facility TypeIf this is considered a facility, classify the type of facilityKeyDropDown - Single SelectFacility Type
31Farm Namename of farmTextFreeFormFarm Name
2Farm TypeType of agriculture use as defined in the assocaited lease documentKeyDropDown - MultiSelectFarm Type
51Lease Rate Commentprovide whether subject to escalationTextFreeFormLease Rate Comment
19NotesNote anything unique about this document that others should be aware ofTextFreeFormNotes
92Park ID TextFreeFormPark ID
9Property DispositionIndicates the current status of the City's interest in this parcelKeyDropDown - MultiSelectProperty Disposition
82Recorded Document NumberRecorded Document NumberTextFreeFormRecorded Document Number
38Recording NumberProvide the recorded document number if recorded by the SonCo Recorders' office.TextFreeFormRecording Number
93Responsible Partyif managing department is Private Party then give more detail hereTextFreeFormResponsible Party